How to Focus on the Right Things

  1. See a bear attack on TV.
  2. Go camping.
  3. You instantly fear a bear attack.

When you're reminded of X, you focus on X -- despite the probabilities of X actually happening.

So, instead of focusing on what could likelier kill you (e.g., hypothermia), you start focusing on what probably won't kill you (i.e., a bear attack); so, you bring a bear trapper net to fend off bears instead of warm gear to prevent hypothermia -- SO YOU DIE OH NOES.

Behavioral economists call it the availability-heuristic

The more you see X, the more X becomes important -- even if Y or Z is really more important.

If your team's leaders talk about models and bottles daily instead of servicing customer customers TO THE MAX, the team subconciously starts believing models and bottles are more important than serving customers.

  • BAM! Customer service then starts sucking.
  • Your company tumbles.
  • Suck.

Get focus by emphasizing the right things each-and-every-day. WIN.


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Posted on April 12

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