How to Sell Stuff
- "Always be closing."
- Dikembe can't sell.
What should Dikembe do?
Dikembe should sell by steps.
Sell by steps.
- Sell receiving the brochure through email.
- Sell the appointment.
- Sell the demo/proof-of-concept.
- Sell the proposal.
- Sell the product.
If you can't get from step-to-step, break down those steps further.
For instance, if you can't move from proposal to product sale, insert this middle step:
- Sell the proposal.
- Sell the 30-day trial.
- Sell the product.
If you still can't go from step-to-step, insert more middle steps.
Always Be Selling Somethin'
Before you meet/talk/phone/communicate with a prospect, identify what you want to sell (e.g., the appointment, the demo, etc.).
Ideally, you'll have these two in mind before a meeting:
- "The reach" -- that is, you have a 20% chance of selling it.
- "The safety" -- that is, you're pretty 95% likely you can sell it.
Go for the reach, but prepare for the safety to keep yourself in play.
Each "sell" should move the sale forward (i.e., you're leading the prospect toward a transaction).
(Disclaimer: Ethics. Use it. Think sustainably.)
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Posted on February 05