When they both lose:
- Good Football Coach: "I take total responsibility."
- Bad Football Coach: "I blame the refs."
The former is a Florida's Urban Meyer; the latter is a coach at a big name school that hasn't been doing so well.
Why the difference?
Say you get bad grades on a test.
- You can blame the teacher.
- Or, you can blame yourself.
Blaming your teacher keeps your skills stagnant; blaming yourself on the other hand drives you to improve (e.g., doing more practice problems, asking more questions, getting alternative sources, etc.)
- The Bad Football Coach thinks he has the necessary skills to win, so he doesn't further his skills despite losing.
- The Good Football Coach instead takes control of his situation, and figures out how to prevent the same mistakes from happening.
Gradually, he becomes a better coach, as he rids mistakes -- and starts winning a plethora of games.