What Your Brand Says About You
BAM. That's an awesome ad.
Tricks of the trade:
- Generic brand: You = Generic.
- Boring brand: You = Boring.
- Fun brand: You = Fun.
- Happy brand: You = Happy.
Microsoft is spending over $200 million to rebrand their company. Since we don't have that mula, let's just cheat and learn the agency's approach. (YAY! HOORAY!)
The Windows 7 ad:
- emphasizes happiness
- subconciously makes people associate happiness with Windows 7 ("You will be happy using Windows 7")
Human nature makes people buy on their emotions, then rationalize it afterward with the "great features, great support, blah, blah, blah".
- Jimbob Juno Jacob buys a Mercedes because it makes him feel good.
- College Coed Chloe buys a Macbook Pro to write simple college papers because it makes her feel fashionable.
You can have the world's greatest features (e.g., the Zune, the Palm Pre), but you will see the SUCK-SUCK unless you make your prospects/customers feel good/happy/awesome /[insert-any-positive-emotion-here].
(permalink to the ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssOq02DTTMU)
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Posted on September 15