How to Revolutionize Your Sales

You want to build the world's greatest sales force.

So, you start hiring the priciest consultants and contractors money could buy to tranform your entire sales organization: BUT DANG BAM: they don't.

So you're disappointed. You cry.


How to get revolutionary change?

Start improving one tiny thing about your sales organization.




Focus strictly on improving to achieve your revolutionary change; for instance:

  • Find one way to download your leads faster.
  • Find one way to keep in touch with prospects better.
  • Find one way to help your customers order faster.
  • Find one way to help the sales team collaborate better.
  • Etc etc etc

Tiny. Bite-sized. Manageable. Quick.

Keep improving in bite-sized chunks, forever.

  1. Revolutionary change doesn't happen overnight; seeking it further destroys what you've spent years/decades already building.
  2. Instead, improve on every little aspect of X for the rest of your FAB days to "revolutionize" your sales force.

HEY THAT'S ONE MIGHTY FINE REVOLUTIONARY SALES FORCE THAT CAME OUT FROM NOWHERE, someone might say; but, they don't really know that the revolutionary change was a result of your endless improvements.

Hi five.

Improve a tiny thing. Repeat.

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Posted on March 10

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