How to Win Friends

Scenario: "Dude, I gotta show them what a badass I am. Yay!"

Instead of trying to be interesting, you could do something 99.94312532% of people don't do:

Be mutha-%^@^! interested in the other person.


Yes, you betcha.

The ridiculously sexy notion's inspired by the King, Dale Carnegie.

Why Being Interested Rocks

When you're interested in others, you're tapping a person's most cherished/beloved/admired person in the world: "Me."

The moment you ask them about people about their lives, their hobbies, their interests, their histories, the moment you're initiating a crazy-freakin-awesome relationship.

Soon, you'll start noticing they'll want to know as much about you as you do about them.

So this weekend, when 5,943,815,102 people are trying to be interesting, conquer them all:

Be interested.

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Posted on December 01

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