Worried About Truths Leaking out When Outsourcing? Don't Be.
When I first started farming out jobs to local contractors, I was worried my secrets would leak into the wrong hands. Luckily, it never did. On the contrary, I saw the huge advantages: among them include higher quality with specialized providers and freeing up more time to work with my customers.
Says Texas Tech Professors Eric Walden and James Wetherbe, "'At the length truth will out,' Shakespeare tells us, and the same goes for intellectual property. Companies that outsource would do well to focus less on what they give up and more on what they get in return."
When was the last time you heard a million dollar idea stolen from a contractor? It usually doesn't happen. By sharing our ideas openly, as we've found in our experience, we gave our providers means to produce or service a better product.
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Posted on March 30