Stupid rules are....stupid. Case in point: U.S. Card Partner Services
Most rules make no sense, folks. So I heard a 44-year old employee was dumped by his company, U.S. Card Partner Services for--of all things--listening to his iPod. Wait, then get this: he's being sued by the same company for about $300,000--the majority of that being from "lost profits."
First, this lawsuit won't get you the Benjamins, and will (unfortunately) only destroy your public reputation. Second, U.S. Card Partner Services is seemingly being run by inept managers. Third, if you want to get rid of this problem, stop micro-managing!
It's not your people who's at fault. It's your company's systems and policies. Instead of caring about their music-listening habits, work on your compensation structure. For example, if the employee doesn't make $40,000 in sales per quarter, then s/he's out.
You're working with adults, who don't need or like to be hand-held (i.e. micro-managed). They need direction, yes (e.g. $40,000 sales/quarter). But, they crave freedom to use their own specific/unique/special/personal methods to achieve it.
They'll surprise you.
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Posted on May 07