How to Boost Employee Happiness & Productivity
Bob's typical workday:
- Drive to work.
- Get directions from boss.
- Do work.
- Go home.
"Your contribution means something."
Affirm what your employees mean to you. Let your them know how much of a kick-ass impact they're having on your business, your clients, the world.It's in the study.
According to the American Psychological Society:People want to feel that they are making a difference, especially when it comes to the jobs they do. When workers are aware that their work makes a difference to others -- even in small ways -- their job satisfaction rises. So does their productivity.
Your competitors aren't doing it. Advantage = You.
Somewhere along the way, most businesses lost their human touch. "It's all about processes, structure, bureaucracy to keep things in order," they say. "Our employees are liabilities," they cringe. Instead, smart businesses let it be known that every single person's contribution has a huge-freakin'-impact. Psychologically, that improves your employees' happiness and makes them more productive. Morally, you're giving credit where credit's due. So what do you tell your employees on Mondays?"You're having a rockin' impact on our clients' lives. Thank you, playa."
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Posted on August 07