The Secret to Being Happy Over the Weekend
Scenario: "Dude, those guys at Trizzy told me to relax this weekend, so I'm not doing anything. I have plans to do absolutely nothing. But dude, I find my weekends so depressing!"
Relaxing over the weekend helps you rebuild the energy you'll need for the coming week. To be happy, then: have a sweet lookin' schedule for your weekend.
No plans. = Sucky weekend.
Most of us tell ourselves we'll rest. But what do we do? With an unplanned schedule, we continue checking emails, returning phone calls, writing documents -- and of course, add the qualifier: we do it "not so intensely."Picture it!
If you're seeking a happy weekend, coupled with rebuilding your energy -- even if you feel you just gotta, hafta work this weekend -- sketch out your day's schedule.Plan it!
Set a block of time when you'll work (or even better: tasks you'll accomplish). Then set another block for your chillin'-like-a-villain time -- whether that's hanging out with friends, playing sports, reading a book, or whatever else.You'll see a dramatic boost in your morale.
Happy people know in advance what their days will look like. Says Oxford University psychologist Michael Argyle, happy people have their schedules "filled and planned." On the other hand: "For unhappy people, time is unfilled, open and uncommitted; they postpone things and are inefficient." So, the secret to being happy over the weekend:Plan your mother-kick-assin' weekends!
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Posted on August 20