How Sleepin' Affects Your Learnin'
Scenario: "Dude, if you want to learn as much as you can, don't sleep. Oh Yay!" Did you ever spend all-nighters cramming for some crazy science exam? Unless you did squat the entire semester, you probably didn't learn much. If you're staying up the entire night trying to learn something new for your awesome business, take caution: you probably won't improve what you do, anyway. Harvard's Robert Stickgold's sweet study linked sleep to performance:
After training 24 participants in new tasks, Stickgold's team of researchers kept half of the participants awake until the second night of the study while allowing the other half to sleep. All of the subjects were allowed to sleep on the second and third nights. But on the fourth day of the study, those who had also slept the first night performed better than they had the first day. Those who didn't sleep showed no improvement.
So, chillax.
For learnin', start sleepin'.
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Posted on January 06