How Motivating People With Money Sucks
Scenario: "Dude, we gotta expose people to money every-freakin-day. That will make them rock for us. Yay! Yay!" But, the more you expose Johnny to money, the less helpful Johnny becomes to your company. Instead of being a team-player, Johnny starts thinking about his own goals. Instead of helping your company rock like a rock star, Johnny seeks ways to make himself the rock star.
El Researcho
According to a research study by University of Minnesota's Kathleen Vohs:
Pictures of money, a tip lying on the table, thinking about your holiday bonus -- all of these would make people behave self-sufficiently.What's resulted from that?
Results indicate that these people also work longer before asking for help, are less helpful to others, and prefer to play and work alone.And another thing...
In addition, people who are exposed to the concept of money can even put more physical distance between themselves and a new acquaintance as compared to people who are not reminded of money.
Sure, motivating people with money might create more independent people. But, they'd likely won't be looking out for your behind. And more important, you won't get the win/win situation you're seeking with them. To generate those win/win relationships, here's our little rule of thumb:
The less you expose people to money, the more helpful they become.
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Posted on January 21