What Interview Questions Rock?
Scenario: "Dude, tell me how much you rock. Thanks! High-Five!" What's wrong with most interview questions? Most won't show how well Prospect Prospy would do your in company. For instance, questions such as:
- "What are your biggest weakness?"
- "What are your biggest strengths?"
- "Where do you want to be in 5 years?"
paint a superficial exterior of candidates. Instead of relying solely on the 'traditional behavioral' interview questions, couple those with ones demonstrating what they'd do in certain scenarios. That, folks, gives you a much better predictor on their success with your company.
"What Kind of Questions?"
Demonstrative questions. Demonstrative questions show you what prospects would do in:
- Company Situation A
- Company Situation B
- Company Situation C
An altered example from New York Executive Consultant Justin Menkes
"You are the manager of a small software company.What questions do you have about his proposal?"
- Your prices are being severely undercut by competitors.
- Your team recognizes a desperate need to cut costs.
- Your employee concludes that the answer is to outsource most of the company's programming to foreign subcontractors, thereby reducing labor costs.
- In fact, your employee has already received a number of bids from service firms in India.
What would a solid response be? According to Menkes:
- "[She] would explain that the core assumption underlying the COO's conclusion needs to be confirmed'that is, outsourcing automatically equals cheaper production."
- "She might point out that there may be indirect costs (up-front investment, ongoing customer service, and software development issues) involved with such a move that must be considered."
- "Further, she would cite the probable unintended consequences of the COO's proposal, such as how using a distant workforce might affect productivity or labor relations."
Someone that answers outright: "Hey! Solid idea! Let's throw all our resources into it!" -- or something similarly superficial -- would probably have sound decision problems.
What Demonstrative Questions Rock?
Menkes recommends scenario questions be:
- Original: The more original, the less BSing they could do.
- Relevant: The more company relevant, the clearer their abilities for your company.
When you're out preparing your interview questions for your next superstars, keep this sucka handy:
"Yo, yo, yo! What'd you do in this scenario: ____?"
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Posted on May 04