How to Be Knowledgeable
What would you do?
- a) Learn what's more important for tomorrow.
- b) Learn what's more important for ten years from now.
But...what if you could do both (a) and (b)? That is:
- You learn something that you could apply soon.
- You learn something that you could also apply ten years from now.
You'd reach:
Peak Learning Goodness
You learn to the maximum-of-the-super-maximum by encompassing what you could apply for the rest of your ridiculously dope life. Advantage: You, for eternity.
Learning What?
Having knowledge that you could use for the rest of your life compounds your advantages for your future situations. We call that stuff your Lifelong-Learning-Knowledge Juice (LLKJs). For instance: Take Sue.
- Sue learns about how managers make their employees excel.
- Sue volunteers as a youth basketball coach.
- Sue applies her management wisdom to Streetblue Ballers.
Or, a more direct business analogy:
- Sue learns how to optimize her little 3-person-team performance.
- Sue becomes CEO.
- Sue applies her knowledge of rocking small teams by building hundreds of little teams -- each optimized for maximum performance -- and, collectively forming one ridiculous company.
Lifelong knowledge = Gifts that keep giving -- if you're looking. But where to look?
Where to Focus Yo-Self
Learn what's needed; but, dig deeper, and uncover what you can use for the rest of your life. For example:
- Learn how to cook Mushroom Risottos, but focus on delivering delectable meals.
- Learn the Python programming language, but focus on programming methodologies.
- Learn to give your introductory speech, but focus on communicating your message.
In other words: Learn what you need for tomorrow; but, focus on what you can grasp for a lifetime.
How to Exploit Your Juice
Think of a little compartment in your brain that stores your LLKJs. More of that knowledge juice gives you more advantages to rock out. For example:
Sue, who uses her several LLKJs, including knowledge of (1) optimizing teams, (2) managing egos, (3) handling conflicts, (4) exploiting individual strengths has a much greater basketball coaching advantage over Joe Schmo who starts coaching completely from scratch.
Win: Sue. The more you fill your brain with lifelong useful stuff, the greater advantages you'll give yourself. So, to rock out super-FAB-tastically:
- Repeatedly fill up more LLKJs into your brain's compartment that stores them.
- Use those juices liberally in anything you do to your advantage.
The result:
- You exploit knowledge that took you years to accumulate.
- Joe Schmos of the world would need years to catch up to learn what you specifically know.
- Therefore, you increase your chances of rocking -- significantly.
Life-long-useful stuff. Scrumptious.
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Posted on January 28