How to Defeat Offshoring
- You're running a software development company.
- Your clients start offshoring your work.
What should you do?
- a) Bitch.
- b) Exploit your new opportunities.
(Did-ya-answer-B? Yay!) 'My Software Work's Going Overseas?!'
Weak companies like status quo.
- They think it'll constantly bring them riches.
- So, they rest on their laurels.
- And, they fail to improve.
When some spark smacks their industry in the buttocks, they cry out in pain:
- 'Bad!'
- 'Boo!'
- 'Unfair!'
What would Cool Business Builder do?
'Clients are going overseas with their software development?'
- 'Perfect! We can now provide more value to our clients!'
- 'We'll exploit our software knowledge to strengthen our business clients' efficiencies.'
- 'Instead of primarily developing software, we'll build productize software for 'em!'
- 'AND, we'll offshore that development to exploit our opportunities further!'
- 'WIN!'
BaaaaBooom! The Power of Responsibility
The wisdom:
- You can't control some things.
- You can control some things.
- Worry about what you can control.
If Joe Schmo chucks a lemon at you:
- You catch it.
- You make lemonade.
You'll exponentially improve your odds to rock your business when you take personal responsibility for everything that happens to (1) you, (2) your industry, (3) your team, (4) your whatever else.
That drives you to exploit opportunities to keep your company ticking ' and rocking, expanding ridiculous value to the world.
Responsibility. Opportunities.
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Posted on April 07