Why You're Not Working
(Dmitri kindly translated this article in Russian as well.)
- You sit on your chair.
- You browse the internet.
- You get nothing done.
When you sit on your chair for freakish long time, you're relaxed like a Mother Bear drinking apple mutha-@^%$^% juice.
- Your pace is slow and methodical.
- You're sluggish.
- It's like you're high.
So, you get little done.
How to Get More Done
Two steps to do throughout the day:
- Stand up.
- Work.
What Happens When You Stand
Standing intermittently throughout the day increases your productivity by kabillions.
That's according to a study (pdf) by Miami University Researcher Marvin Dainoff:
The 'Non-Standers' were shown to take an average of 47% more workbreaks, with the average workbreak being 56% longer than the average workbreak of the 'Standers'.
(Here's an anecdote by Jamis over on 37signals.)
Standing-while-working (SWW) helps you:
- spend less time wasting time ("I'm standing! I don't want to tire my legs out!")
- take less breaks
- focus more time on rocking your work
You win.
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Posted on May 01