How to Smartly Spend Your Money
- You have $1000.
- You spend $5 freely.
Now peep this:
- You have $10.
- You spend $5 freakishly wisely.
The more money you have, the less you value the dollar bill.
That's why lottery winners quickly become poor chaps:
- "Ooooooooooh! I have so much cash!"
- "I will spend like @^^$%^%$^! Armani! Jimmy Choos!"
- ....
How to Spend Wisely
Here's how to trick yourself, and save chunks of cash by spending ridiculously smarter -- and keep your company financially healthy.
- Jot down your cash: _.
- Imagine you have 50% less. (or choose your own percentage to fit your situation)
- Spend accordingly.
What happens?
- You'll spend more wisely.
- You'll put much more value into the dollar bill.
- You'll find innovative ways to boost cash.
- You'll leave yourself a much bigger security blanket.
Spend like somebody just robbed you.
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Posted on May 08