Why Simplify Your Business Life
- A million things.
- A million things get attention.
Or try:
- 5 things.
- 5 things get attention.
Why do chefs serve their shizzlekabizzles individually?
- All-at-a-time? You give none any much attention.
- One-at-a-time? You get focused on every-frickin'-bite-of-every-frickin'-dish.
Likewise, the more you simplify your life:
- The more you focus on the most important things.
- The more productive you become.
- The more value you provide your customers.
- The more @!^@% you ^@!$@!.
Peep Your To-Do List
...or your email list, your project list, etc.
The rec:
- Cut 80% of the sucky ones.
- Work on the remaining top 20%.
The less you place on your plate, the more you kick mother-kafluckin assizzle.
"So I'll just work on the top 20% of things to do!"
Supertreezy would give you a flying Flying forearm smash to the nuts if you say that to his face.
The more things you see:
- The more things you subconsciously give attention.
- The more energy you drain.
- The less productive you get done.
- The more you ignore your most important tasks.
Start cutting shizzlekabizzle out of your life.
Be productive. Start filtering out crap.
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Posted on July 30