How to Finish Boring Tasks
- Pick a task.
- Make a game out of it.
It's like this:
- You have a project you have to do for Cllient XYZ.
- You find it boring/repetitive/suck-o.
So, you continually put it off (i.e. procrastinating) until you're in trouble.
What do you do?
Make a @^^^%^&% game of it.
That is:
- Pick "Client Task XYZ"
- Set a timer for 5 minutes.
- Play beat the clock.
You've just made a boring task a fun game.
- We human folks love games.
- It's why cricket still exists.
Rule of thumb: The more you game your workload, the more tasks you'll accomplish quickly/efficiently/with-@$^%^^%@%^@-style.
Make boring fun.
Game the mofosoko.
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Posted on October 29