Why Create a Sense of Urgency
You're running your business, but you're experiencing problems-upon-$^@^-problems:
- You can't get anything done
- You constantly misses deadlines.
- You never meet your quota.
Your business is gradually bursting.
What can you do?
When did you perform your best?
- When did you write the bulk of your term papers?
- When did you complete the chunk your presentations?
- When did you finish most of your client projects?
Chances are:
- You did most of your work toward the end of X's due date.
- You didn't get much done beforehand.
That is:
- Urgency drove you to kick X's ass.
- Urgency drove you to rid distractions.
- Urgency drove you to get X done in style.
If you're having trouble:
- getting X done
- meeting your quota
- the yaddas
...create a sense of urgency:
- Set a meeting with the client before you finish the client's demo.
- Give away 20% of your earnings this quarter if you miss your quota.
- Do Y before X, knowing that X is due tomorrow.
- Cut your deadline in half. Then do it again. Then, again. (Then, again.)
Urgency helps people excel beyond their natural abilities:
- like escaping from vicious captors
- like saving kittens from disastrous fires
- like demolishing five term papers in one day
The more urgency you incorporate into your business/employees/life, the more:
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Posted on March 31