How to Fight Fatigue
- You're tired.
- You were tired yesterday.
- You were tired last week.
- You were tired last month.
- You were tired last year.
It seems like yo-bad-self has been tired throughout your ridiculous life.
Fatigue normally signals:
- You = dehydrated.
Your heart has to fight harder to supply your body with sufficient oxygen and nutrients.
- That is, you're needlessly destroying your energy reserves because you're not drinking (water).
- Your heart expends freakish energy trying to make up for your laziness in cleansing your body.
Take Bob.
- Bob is tired.
- Bob drinks more water.
- Bob saves his energy reserves to spend in more meaningful ways -- like rocking his biz-niz.
- At the first sign of fatigue, he knows he's sucking at his water-living-ways.
- So, he drinks more water.
And, gets more energized. His productivity exponentially goes up.
Stop being tired.
Pump yourself up to be more productive.
Hydrate Yo Bad Self.
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Posted on April 24