Why You Suck at Business Success
- You're somewhat succeeding at X.
- But the "somewhat" makes you unhappy.
- So, you switch to Y.
Then when you're slightly finding some success with Y, you switch over to Z -- thinking:
- "That's where I'll find SUPER success!"
But you don't, because you suck.
You go through the continuous cycle of succeeding-being-disappointed-start-over-yadda-yadda.
You = cow.
Tiger Woods?
Tiger Woods started out sucking.
So, did Michael Jordan.
So, did the most successful business/CEO/entrepreneur/sales-star/competitor you secretly envy.
- When you start out doing X, you will suck at X.
- The longer you stick with X, the freakishly better you'll be at X because you find new and better ways to be successful.
Take Bob.
Bob sucks at his graphic design business.
- His clients are 1-employee shops who pay him a whopping $6.50 per hour.
- "It's okay," Bob tells himself. "Someday, I will build a million-dollar business."
So Bob, continues helping his clients -- doing whatever he can to stay afloat.
- Good news comes one day when he gets a call from Senorita Amiga Ti Tatta.
- Senorita Amiga Ti Tatta runs a 5-employee a bakery in Chinatown because she is French.
- She needs designs for her shop and menus.
Bob does ridiculously impressive work for her.
His business gradually grows.
As he's running his business, he reads a case study about Dan The Design Man.
- He learns that Dan The Design Man grew his freakish business by knocking on doors of mid-sized candy factories.
- "Eureka!" Bob says. "I too will knock on similar doors in my area!"
He starts growing his business even more.
A large company -- referred by one of his happ-eriffic clients -- invites him to bid on its $50K project.
He wins.
...then wins more contracts.
...then wins even more.
He builds a multi-million dollar graphic design business.
...because he stuck with it.
Stick with it.
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Posted on April 27