Why Reset Your Goals When You Suck
- You're shooting to accomplish Goal X in two days.
- Two days come, and you haven't accomplished Goal X. FAIL.
What happens?
- Subconsciously, without any concrete goal set, you start working slower trying to accomplish Goal X.
- A week passes you by.
- Two weeks.
You finally finish.
What you had hoped to accomplish in two days turns into two weeks.
Freakish time wasted.
Massive opportunities to accomplish more things = down the tubes.
Why Humans Suck With Goals
- Billy Bob Krishnaramanan sets a goal.
- He fails at his goal.
- He keeps working on his old goal.
- He finishes his goal.
- When you set concrete goals, you subconsciously drive yourself to complete Goal X by Date Y with maximum effort.
- When you have no due date for a goal, you aimlessly plow through your days hoping to accomplish something-anything-I'll-complete-it-sometime.
Setting no concrete due date to accomplish that old goal makes you expend freakishly more time on the %^@%^@ than necessary (e.g., a goal that should've taken two days turns into weeks because you've set no new target date).
Try this:
- Set a goal. ("I will accomplish X by Y date.")
- When the date comes, set a new goal with a new due date (with the original goal included if you haven't finished it).
- Repeat.
You'll see yourself accomplishing things quicker, as you become more efficient with your time.
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Posted on June 01