How to Get Smarter About Your Business
Ask questions.
You'll drive yourself to seek answers.
For instance, take Betty Bobby Booster.
She's running a restaurant.
She asks herself:
- How can I market our company better?
- How do I get more out of our employees?
- What incentives should I use?
- How do I increase our profit margins?
- How can I make our customers come back?
- What should we charge?
- How many offerings should we offer?
- How can we work faster?
So, she starts:
- Googling for answers on what improves employee morale.
- Reading books on the psychological effects of incentives.
- Talking to the good folks at SCORE about getting customers to return.
- Watching YouTube videos on financial lessons.
- The Yaddas.
Little-by-little, day-by-day, as she asks her questions, she starts learning a bunch of new stuff that will improve her business.
Result: Much Improved Business.
You + Machine Gun
Imagine a machine gun that spits out questions.
Be that machine gun.
You start gaining more insight into improving your business, your company, your life, and your momma's life.
Try This
- Ask yourself one question today.
- See how far that goes into improving X.
Then, notice the power of asking questions consistently.
Questions, questions, questions.
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Posted on September 16