How to Work With People Who Piss You Off
- Person X pisses you off.
- You can't work with Person X.
What in the %^@%@^ do you do?
Give them something.
- Provide them a free gift.
- Give them a free car wash.
- Give them a free meal.
- Give them a compliment. (FREE!)
- Do something for them.
The power of reciprocity:
- You do someone a favor -- genuinely.
- That person subconsciously feels more obligated to return the favor.
You get a free gift out of the blue during your birthday/holiday/etc; you feel more inclined to return that gift.
If someone pisses you off, and you're trying to get them to change their ways, do something for them.
If you do it genuinely, they'll return a favor for you.
Give something.
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Posted on November 06