Names such as Kermit green (unexpected descriptive) are effective because these names act as a sort of puzzle to be solved, which spurs individuals to consider more aspects of the products -- particularly the positive ones. In addition, solving this small puzzle should create positive emotions associated with the product. Similarly, names such as millennium orange (ambiguous) prompt consumers to try to discover, in the absence of any meaningful information, what the makers of the product were trying to convey with that name. This should also spur individuals to consider to more aspects of the products, and once again, the focus is likely to be on the positive aspects of the product....Names that fall into the unexpected descriptive category or the ambiguous category create a sense of mystery and intrigue that lead potential consumers to consider the positive aspects of your goods and services.So when you're naming your product, get some fun and obscure ideas into the mix.
How to Combat Selection Bias in Business
Says Stanford's Jerker Denrell, "Impressive studies show that following best practices, focusing on the core, and building a strong culture are among the secrets of business success. But beware: These and other received ideas may also be the secrets of failure." When you're analyzing data or business books, remember this: correlation is not causation. The best way to combat selection bias, says Denrell, is to "get all the data you can on failure." If authors forget this concept, they'll guide you to absurd theories on why businesses succeed. Just because I traveled to Ethiopia for the week, and Yahoo's price soared during the week -- it doesn't mean me being away caused Yahoo's stock to jump. A gross analogy, yes; but, it shows the ridiculous assumptions of most business books. Too bad most business authors forget the concept of causation. And, folks: that's why most business books suck.Business Failings: Think Odds!
Keep odds in mind when you're failing: Let's say the chance of one of your inital business product's success rate is 10%. If you took statistics in college, you know that every successive product you build increases the odds of your success by the root of 10%: Chance of ONE business product success: 1 experiment = 10.0% 2 experiments = 31.6% 3 experiments = 46.4% 7 experiments = 71.2% 10 experiments = 79.4% It's no wonder one of Wall Street's most innovative companies, Google, produces five products for every one success. (Of course, all products have differing odds for success, as well as the business producing them. We used 10% as a rough and conservative median range for successful products. You should use the most appropriate figure for your specific business/industry/etc.) The point? Increase the number of experiments you do, and you'll drastically increase your odds of being on that BusinessWeek cover flashin' your million-dollar smile. (Literally.) As Anthony Robbins says, failure is wonderful.The most innovative business ideas come from different contexts.
- The iPod wasn't built from scratch; Apple transformed the aura and simplicity of their computer presence and took it into the music environment.
- The same applied to online travel planner, Expedia. The company took the typical travel agency service, and brought into a different context: the World Wide Web.
- Or how about Toys R Us? The founder took the idea of supermarkets, and created "toy stores."
Says Florida's Andrew Hargadon and Stanford's Robert I. Sutton, "The history of technological innovation is full of examples of knowledge brokers bringing together ideas from disparate contexts."
When you're thinking of business ideas for your product, you could inch that much closer to a million-dollar idea by scanning a totally different industry.
With buyers increasingly savvy, how can companies resist relentless commodification and distinguish themselves from rivals? An increasingly popular approach is to emphasize one's expertise in the business, as distinct from the quality of one's product. Such competence-based marketing is especially persuasive in business-to-business relationships that involve hard-to-assess goods or follow-on services.Advertising and other marketing means are becoming saturated. You're an expert at your business; the next logical step, of course, is to publicize your expertise.
Try to get a sense of their character as well as what they've learned from their accomplishments and their failures. Try to get at what is genuine. The key to hiring and managing people is to find out what drives them. One of the most important questions to ask is "Why?"