Should You Live In The Moment?

Think back 10 years ago.

  • How happy were you?
  • How sad were you?

Chances are, this: I WAS SO HAPPY BACK THEN OH YAH.

The Nostalgia

Nostalgia happens because our human minds freakishly emphasize our positive past experiences over the negative ones.

  • Back in the day, we struggled, struggled, and struggled; but when we look back now, we see those periods in our lives as fun/great/amazing.

A winning Super Bowl team, for instance, wouldn't remember the heartaches, the grueling practices, the turmoils; but, they would remember the comraderie, the victory, the accomplishments.

The Current Now

Ten years from now, you'll see this period in your life as fun/great/amazing.

  • The mind sheds the bad experiences, and preserves the positive ones.

Researchers Leigh Thompson and Terence Mitchell call it the rosy retrospection effect -- we tend to see our past as more positive than we did when it actually occurred.

How Can You Be Happy?

Say NO! to freakish nostalgia; because your mind selectively filters out bad memories to keep the good memories, you'll always see your past as better than your current FAB LIFE if you keep feeling nostalgic.

Instead, embrace the challenging experiences in front of you; you'll see this time in your life as SUPER FAB years from now,  as your mind starts discarding the bad stuff to keep only the fun/great/amazing memories.


Embrace The Now

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Posted on January 26

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