Discipline for Employees
Why does discipline for employees hurt your company? Try doing it to chaotic kindergarteners. Sooner or later, they'll act up. It's the same way with most employees. The trick then is to hire self-disciplined people, and then keep them there. Remember, you can't change a person's character that's been developed over decades. You can only cultivate it.
How then do you discover self-disciplined people?
Self-disciplined people won't need to be managed. If at any point you need to manage them, it's time to act. When you give them freedom to fulfill their objectives, and they underwhelm you, that should raise a red flag.
Disciplined people on the other hand, when given clear and desirable objectives, will go out of their way to fulfill their responsibilities. Fill your company with as many self-disciplined team members, and you'll build a solid company headed for greatness.
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Posted on February 18