A Great Business Management Tip
A vital business management tip we've learned from our mentors is to know that there's nothing worse than working for a company where your opinions don't matter. It's equally frustrating to work with a manager that doesn't seem to reach out to you.
Make Opinions Matter
Employees will have questions, concerns, or suggestions to improve the company. Don't take these for granted. These will usually be feedback that's more important than customer comments. Use it wisely, and make sure your employees know that their opinions truly matter.
Get Responses Consistently
In a company we consulted, we helped them pose weekly questions to understand employee sentiment. One of the questions (i.e. "How can we improve?") ensures they got direct and effective responses to help them modify their company's processes to fit employee needs.
Employees will take more pride in improving your company if you treat them as partners. We promise you that you'll see an overnight improvement if you consider them as equals.
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Posted on February 18