Use an Upside-Down Pyramid
What if you used a business management technique that let your employees have authority to dismiss their managers? What would happen? In great companies, those who are managed have the authority to get rid of their leaders if they're not doing a solid job at guiding them. This makes sure the leaders are up to speed, trying to find ways to support their crew more effectively.
Power Into the Right People
In our experiences, when a company enforces an upside-down pyramid -- where those who have traditionally been atop are now at the bottom, good things happen. It creates a system where only those who can serve their people fully and effectively will be kept; those who can't will be driven away quickly. This ensures your employees are happy with their environment, which makes them more productive.
The United States is built upon an upside-down pyramid. Citizens have the most power, and decide who they want to lead them. The leaders know they must serve the interests of citizens first, or they'll lose their jobs.
It's been a great system for over two centuries, and has made it a world power.
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Posted on February 18