Marketing Technology Solution
Most of your competitiors don't have an effective marketing technology solution to sell their brands. In most cases, they'll hire a web design firm for $5000, who promise them high revenue returns. It usually doesn't happen. Fact is, more than 99% of web designers have no business expertise, and will only stun you with their programming knowledge - not their marketing expertise. To bring in revenues, you'll need more than a spiffy web page. You'll need to know how most of your targeted customers use technology. Then you'll have to build your site around that thinking. You'll have a tremendous advantage if you have the proper marketing technology solution in place.
Do you need a website?
The short answer is yes. With a webpage, you'll be able to market your brand to the world. Where else can you publicize your company to a global audience of millions for only a few dollars? Of course, you won't be able to get a million visitors to your site overnight, but it can and will work with the right techniques.
Building a smart online presence also lets you market to your surrounding communities. Chances are your customers have access to the web, who will search for information regarding your services. You don't want to lose a customer to a competitor's website.
Use the right strategy
Remember, anyone can build a webpage. That's why millions of small business web pages exist. Most however don't bring in a dime. That means you have a great opportunity if you use an effective marketing technology solution.
Here are the basics: First, understand that customers aren't there for you. Your users will not want to know how great you are. They're there for their own needs. Provide them with quality information on the benefits of your service. Don't make it a sales pitch. Give them value. Inform them as much as you can. Remember mom's saying:"It's better to give than receive"? That advice never rings truer when building your webpage.
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Posted on February 18