Stand Out from Business Industry Marketing
What's wrong with business industry marketing these days? Answer this and you'll have a better idea. What if you stuck a purple cow in the middle of a million black-and-white cows? Chances are you could spot it, and you'd be talking to your friends about it. No only that, but your friends would be talking to their friends about it too. It's something author Seth Godin learned when he traveled to France. Looking at the group of cows, everything looked the same; everything bored him. It's no wonder most people view businesses in such a way too.
Business Industry Marketing Sucks
Few people pay attention to black-and-white cows because it's all the same. It's been done. And if it hasn't caught their attention before, what makes you think it'll catch it this time? It probably won't. The better approach is to do something unordinary. People love surprises because their lives are already filled with the same corporate marketing crap everyday.
The same tired marketing campaign signals boringness. People want passion. They want excitement. They don't buy products for what it does. People buy products for how it makes them feel. What emotions does your brand bring out from people? If that emotion doesn't excite you, it's time for a company makeover.
To just do well in business, be boring. But to excel, be remarkable. Be a purple cow.
Fo Shizzle My Bizo
Do something that scares your business marketing industry. Purple-ize it. When that's done, scare it again. Repeat.
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Posted on February 18