Small Business Web Hosting Solution
If you know how to build a web site, you probably can save a bundle on your small business web hosting solution. However, if you don't, there are many great small business web hosting solutions out there that fits your needs. No matter what your abilities, there are solutions out there that will quickly and effectively get your business online.
If you're just a beginner, Yahoo! offers a small business web hosting solution that gives you a detailed step by step process to put your products online. They also offer your visitors the option of paying by credit card to pay for your products. The downside to this is that it can be a little pricey. However, the integrated package that Yahoo! offers is something to seriously explore for your business's needs.
If you're experienced, you can save a bundle on your expenses by doing everything yourself. Although you will not have everything integrated, you can reduce are cost substantially. You'll need to buy a web host such as one from Go Daddy, use a shopping cart software (osCommerce offers a free one), and get a merchant service that offers credit card processing from your website.
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Posted on February 18