Taylor Hicks and Passion
American Idol. Taylor Hicks. Gray hair. Stevie Wonder-esque melodies. How does this all fit together? If you've been watching Fox's American Idol, you know Taylor Hicks is anything but the stereotypical teen "idol" (to use the term loosely, but that's for a totally different entry). Yet, he succeeds because he exudes passion. He loves music. And that's why he will, or should, win American Idol. If he doesn't, you know record companies are lining up to sign him.
At the end of the day, passion triumphs.
The noted business author Jim Collins had a six-year study on it: businesses that are passionate about what they do obliterate their competition. If you don't have passion in your business, it's probably time to switch perspectives - and seek that passion.If you enjoyed Taylor Hicks and Passion, get a complimentary subscription to our freshest articles through email or through your feed reader.
Posted on February 22