Naming a business or product? Forget analyzing it. Trust your gut.
We're still surprised business naming firms still attract clients. Charging the average $75,000 a pop? No, thank you.
According to Harvard's Business Review, "You might boost your odds if you spend six years and millions of dollars developing the name, as Standard Oil reportedly did before settling on 'Exxon.' But you can do just fine by pulling a name out of a phone book. That's how P&G cooked up 'Pringles.'"
Sony, Google, The Gap, Yahoo!, and Barbie didn't need naming firms. Neither did Starbucks, Microsoft, and Apple. And neither did...(yeah we're sure you get the point).
When in need of a name, trust your instinct. There, we just saved you the $75,000.
Spend that on marketing.
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Posted on March 09