Build an Easy Path to the Top
No, we're not saying to let anybody get to the top of your organization. Make it easy for the right people -- that is, people who fit your company's values to a T -- to get to the top of your company. Meanwhile, don't "laz-i-fy" people at the top.
When you do this, you build a culture that allows the best individuals to succeed.
Take it for Abraham Lincoln: Initially after the Civil War, American citizens paid 3% tax on income. To promote upward mobility, Lincoln enacted progressive taxation.
"The promise of upward mobility was key both to the nation's economic growth and to its social stability. "
-Goldman Sachs's Robert D. Hormats
The beautiful concept: don't allow people at the top to be complacent, while helping unrecognized individuals at the lower rung to shine -- if they're capable.
An organization that strives toward full democratization will succeed in the 21st century.
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Posted on March 21