Marketing Tips for Web Startups
With a new web era coming, a new marketing approach will take shape. I ran through a good article from BusinessWeek's technology section, entitled: "Building Good Web Buzz." Says the author Burt Helm, web startups increasingly are using untraditional ways to advertise their wares--including blogging, and partnering with other Web 2.0 aficionados. They're also finding a way to keep users on their site:
An important early step: Give users a reason to hang around. Make at least some of your tools and features free, says Lynn Stott, director of TechSoup, a Web site that offers tech tips and advice for nonprofit groups. "Too often, small businesses really wanted to keep everything close to the chest, and charge for everything -- but you've got to prime the pump a little bit," says Stott. Give potential customers time to play around on the site, whether with snazzy tools or articles with related news or advice, and it will help them build trust in your little startup and warm them to the idea of doing business there.You can find the text here.
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Posted on April 16