Caution for Small Businesses: Technology Companies
Yeah, we're a tech company. But, we're frustrated with how the industry usually works, and how it treats its clients. especially the small business sector. We hear too many horror stories from our customers, whose previous technology suppliers promised them something they couldn't live up to.
One of the clients we're working with paid an astronomical amount of money that, though we're sure the supplier put some work on it, looks like a carbon copy of another project they did for a different client. There are two problems with this dilemma: (1) the client paid for original work, and way more importantly, (2) the technology didn't advance the client's goals. Instead, it was technology for technology's sake--not strategic sake.
If you read our blog regularly, you're probably familiar with our take on technology: It sucks! It can't make you a great company. Yes, it can accelerate your small business toward that path (and that's where we come in), but it takes something else to build that foundation.
It takes understanding your business's (or your) inner strengths, your passion, and your company values. It takes resilience to stick with your company's inherent character, and never jumping to the next fad. Only when you have your company's foundation, and understand with clear insight your small business's direction, will technology help advance your company.
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Posted on May 08