Bill Gates Leaving: The End of Microsoft?
Some business bloggers are signaling the end of Microsoft. Bill Gates leaving his position in 2008? "It's over, kids!" Our stance? Yeah, right!
Microsoft will continue, folks.
Microsoft was, is, and forever will be a company run by a legion of smart nerdy folks, not by a single charismatic (We're looking your way, Apple). It's run by nerdy folks who'll constantly build and perfect software for individuals and businesses. Nerdy folks contained within an innovation factory--a factory that produces new products weekly. Nerdy folks who don't depend on a single person to cause ripples within the markets.
Who do you depend on?
We've always said the best businesses are those that will continue fighting like warriors, even if its leader gets hit by a bus, tomorrow. Like Microsoft, these businesses don't depend on a Michael Jordan (What happened to the Bulls after Jordan left?). They don't depend on any one person. Just witness the Atlanta Braves' ridiculous postseason run, or even better: Brazil's explosive soccer dynasty. The best businesses are built like clocks: they just keep on ticking. Word.
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Posted on June 15