How To Find a Good Lawyer
A good lawyer:
- someone who's passionate about the law
- reads cases in his/her free time
- can rattle off a bunch of cases in front of you subconsciously
(cases: court summaries; "BobIWantToSue vs. ChipDontSueMe")
While the competing lawyer sips his Margaritas in some Caribbean Tropical because s/he can't stand law and haven't cared for cases since Law School, your lawyer is reading a freakish number of cases because s/he finds joy in law and fighting for clients -- and possibly, striving to be the most knowledgeable lawyer in your industry/city/state/etc.
Basic rule:
- The more case knowledge, the better your lawyer.
Someone (or firm) who can, for instance, cite a string of cases will likelier find more holes in the plaintiff/defendant's arguments, paving the way for you to achieve/keep what's legally yours/your-company's.
Common law WIN.
Cases. Passion.
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Posted on May 21