How to Reject Applicants
"You suck. We wanted this and this and that and that, and you're too slow. You have a low GPA, bad SATs, graduated with a horrible major, and you just plain suck. You suck."
Employers don't say that, but that's how most applicants interpret their typical rejection letters/phone-calls/no-calls.
"Just give it straight up to them. They suck!"
If it were true, we'd probably agree. But it's not. Everybody has an inner Michael Jordan inside of them. Everybody. It's just that most people haven't found where they kick major ass. So what's the point of killing their journey by lowering their self-esteem?Don't be like most businesses.
Take the right route. If applicants won't thrive at your company, tell them they'll thrive somewhere else. It's like rejecting football star Terrell Owens from an NBA team, so he can seek an NFL team. Doing anything else is criminal. The sweet rejection template for ya:You'll thrive better here: _____________, because _____________.
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Posted on August 12