Having fun this weekend?
You should. Says USC's Psychiatrist Lenore Terr:
Play permits us emotional discharge without huge risk. Our cares, worries, sadness, secrets, are released. Our tensions are built into our play, but unlike the direct discharges produced in the sexual act or in battle, the release of play is a more prolonged, more subtle, less the sought-after, ultimate goal. Laughing, hitting a ball, pinching back spent flowers, moving our bodies around, moving our ideas around, gently teasing, playing a role -- these diversions create a series of shallow, slow releases that relax us and leave us satisfied, set for another day.
Why Our Brain Needs Fun
Our brains holds a fuel tank. When we're working, we're using up that fuel. To refuel, we need to get away from work. That is: relaxation, having fun, doing something aside from work -- that's our Chevron, Exxon, BP. Instead of refueling however, workaholics continue working -- on an empty tank. That, of course, leads to burnouts, unimaginative works, bad customer service, bad PR relations, etc., etc., etc. Ever worked/done-business with a workaholic? Hella bad. This weekend, keep this sucker mind:Fun is hella good.
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Posted on August 13