How to Get Lucky
Scenario: "Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Sam Walton, Ray Kroc, Thomas Edison. They were all lucky." says the dude who thinks people become rediculously rich because fate had it all planned.
Yet, when you study each of those filty successful people, all experienced initial failures.
"Lucky" people aren't so lucky.
Bill Gates experienced it with Digital Research, Steve Jobs had it with his Apple Lisa, Sam Walton saw his initial variety stores shut down. Ray Kroc couldn't hold a job down, and Edison had 3432129532 (or something like that) experiments before he could make his glass bulb light.All suceeded because they continuously fought a good fight.
The harder they fought, the "luckier" -- according to outsiders -- they got. Ray Kroc once said, "Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get."The harder you work, the more you discover kick-ass opportunities for yourself.
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Posted on August 19