Why Hollywood Celebrities Have Plastic Surgery
One motivator -- why we do the things we do -- is to get compliments.
A straight-A student loves the praises that come with achieving high scores, so s/he continues to seek those highs by maintaining high grades.
- An MMORPG gamer likes the compliments that come with leading a team to victory over a rival, so s/he seeks more battles to win.
A technology blogger loves the Twitter links that come from writing freakishly resourceful topics, so s/he writes more of those articles.
- A former Hollywood bombshell goes crazy with her face with freakish plastic surgery because she wants the compliments to continue.
When you contributed something pretty-frickin-insightful to a discussion topic online, you went back to that post 9869864797457 times to see the reactions and compliments.
And did you stop with just one insightful post?
OHNOYOUDIDNT-HIGHFIVE! You contributed even more insightful stuff as the compliments added fuel to keep YO-BOOTAY going.
Humans crave compliments.
A business that dishes out praises for good work encourages the good work to continue.
If Shimbibooboo does a great job on X, compliment Shimbibooboo.
Praise good work.
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Posted on January 09