Why You Need to Lift Weights
Superstar corporate executives need to act like professional athletes by strengthening their muscles. Why?
Increasing physical strength gets you more energy to be more of the badass that you are, daily.
According to Jim Loehr, physical energy is the fundamental source of your energy:
The most fundamental energy is physical energy. Most people fail to understand that energy comes in only through the physical dimension of nutrition and without nutrition we cannot continue to work in the world.Sure, you might think you're strong enough. But when you stop stressing your muscles, they atrophy. That kills you from getting the energy you need to perform your work fully. As a rule of thumb: The more you increase your physical strength, the more fundamental energy you'll have, the more productive you'll be.
So how do you do increase your physical energy?
A Harvard Medical School article recommends lifting weights in repetitions, where you're stressing the last rep:A strength program usually involves lifting a weight eight to 15 times (or repetitions), taking about six seconds per repetition. You can use free weights (barbells or dumbbells) or weight machines. The weight should be heavy enough to make the final repetition fairly difficult.If that last weight is not getting difficult for you, start increasing the weight load. Try to work as many muscles as you can. You'll be a strength-training badass in no time. The template:
"To be a complete badass at what I do, I need physical training too."
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Posted on September 16