How to Fix a Relationship in 2 Seconds
Scenario: "Dude, you can't improve a relationship that quickly. It takes time to sit down, and talk, and try to resolve differences. No shortcuts. Yay!"
But...dude, you can fix a relationship in two seconds.
Here's what you fabulously do:
Bring laughter into the situation.
That's it. Force yourself if you have to. Rule of thumb: if you're laughing with somebody, you're strengthening/improving/fixing a relationship with that person. Why?It's in the research.
According to Dr. Robert Provine:Laughter establishes -- or restores -- a positive emotional climate and a sense of connection between two people, who literally take pleasure in the company of each other. Of course levity can defuse anger and anxiety, and in so doing it can pave the path to intimacy.Of course, laughter's not the cure-all medicine. But, it does break down barriers to communication -- and gets you talking openly. If you're having a troubling relationship with somebody, there's no better method than laughing to get you on the right track. The fab moral:
Laughter is a helluva drug.
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Posted on September 30