How to Get out of a Bad Mood in 60 Seconds
Scenario: "Dude, I can't get out of my bad mood. It's hopeless! Ahh!"
You have hope.
Since you're a true badass who works day-and-night on your business, you probably do have emotional mood swings.
At times, you feel awesome. At other times, you want the world to just be quiet.
We hear ya.
So, for all of us wanting to break out of our bad moods when that dreadful time comes, just do this:
Do jumping jacks for a 60 seconds.
(Or push-ups. Or jogging. Or, whatever that gets your body moving -- that gets you exercising.) That's it. It's so easy, it's sexy.Why Exercise Makes You Feel Better
When you're in a bad mood, you typically have super-low energy and you become one intense mofo -- according to CSU Long Beach Researcher Robert Thayer: "People think of self-esteem as a fixed trait, but in fact it varies all the time. When you're feeling energetic, your good feelings about yourself are much stronger." Thayer's study surveyed 300 Southern Californians about how what best got them out of a bad mood. Exercise came in first, followed by music."Hey, but if I'm low in energy when I'm tired, how can I exercise?"
Don't trip. It's just a minute. Time yourself. Jump around. Shake your booty a little. Wave like a maniac to that grandmother across the street. Do anything. You can do it. The moral:To rid a bad mood in 60 seconds, move your body like the sexy b^tch that it is.
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Posted on October 21