Why Start Your Business Locally
Scenario: "Dude, we gotta market our services to the world. Blue Mercedes, here we come! Yay!"
What do Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Starbucks, Wells Fargo, Wal-mart, and Oprah have in common?
They all started locally.
- Google and Yahoo started with Stanford.
- Facebook started with Harvard.
- Starbucks started with Seattle.
- Wells Fargo started with San Francisco.
- Wal-mart started with Bentonville.
- Oprah started with Chicago.
- You get people trying to push their wares onto the world overnight.
- You get people trying to fight Goliath with a freakin' toothpick.
- You get people fighting a million wars with a million other me-too companies.
How Evangelists Attracts the Masses
Peep this:- You know why 50-year old suburbia dudes wear Air Jordans?
- Or, why grandmothers use MySpace?
- Or, why masculine men wear Gucci?
- Or, why rich preppy kids sport hip-hop fashion?
- Or, why Harley-Davidson riders watch Oprah?
What Produces Evangelists
Understand how people think: A tornado could wipe out the entire town across the world, and what would worry most people? Their flat tire. (Yes, it's a messed-up human phenomenon.) A device could be the most spectacular thing to the world, but Sandy would still prefer something more specifically suited to her lifestyle. If she finds it, she'll evangelize it. Check this scenario:- Student Sandy uses Facebook big-time to track her college classmates.
- Opportunist Oscar builds a social networking called "Osky."
- Osky's catered specifically, perfectly, and crazily catered to Sandy's college. Among the local features include professor reviews, party notifications, dining grades, past exams, etc.
- Sandy gets invited to Osky.
- Sandy uses Osky as her primary social networking tool.
- Sandy becomes an evangelist.
How Starting Local Rocks
Starting local gives you a giant head start to capturing those evangelists. Why?- You know their wants.
- You know their motivations.
- You know their heroes.
- You know their lifestyles.
"So what do you mean by 'local?'"
"Local" doesn't need to be geographic. MySpace started with bands. Nike started with elite athletes. Rachael Ray started with busy women. We define "local" by a core group of people who share a similar lifestyle and values. Likely you'll find it geographically, but you know your potential evangelists better than we do.Don't be loco. Do local. Fo shizzle.
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Posted on December 06