Why Small Teams Rock
Scenario: "Dude, we gotta round up as many people as we can to complete this project. Yay!"
Pop-Quiz Time!
You've decided to enter the lemonade-stand business. You "hire" a team of eight kids: Annie, Bobby, Chrissy, Davey, Ernie, Freddy, Gabby, and Henry.Now, what's the best way to use your people?
a) Build one team of eight:
"Make some money selling lemonade. Here's the money. Go!"-
b) Divide them into 2 teams of four.
"You four get the supplies. The rest of you: find customers for tomorrow! Yay!" -
c) Divide them into 4 teams of two:
"You two: Find fabulous lemons, water, and sugar. You two: Get the lemonade cups, napkins, and stand. You two: Find customers. You two: Build some kick-booty marketing materials."
Large Teams = Blah
You know what happens when you round up 479157328952 troops to work on your project? You reduce:- individual productivity
- overall productivity
- your company's kick-ass results
How Large Teams Suck
If you went with scenario (a) above -- and decided to use one team of eight to get your lemonade-stand up-and-running -- what would happen? Not much. You'd go through the crazy "Who'd-done-it?!" scenario:- Annie: "Bobby must have found those customers for tomorrow."
- Bobby: "Not me. Chrissy probably did."
- Chrissy: "No! I thought it was Davey."
- Davey: "No, I'm not working on it. Ask Ernie."
- Ernie: "Not me. Freddy?"
- Freddy: "Nope. I didn't do it. Gabby?"
- Henry: "Nope, you sons-of-biatches."
Why Small Teams Rock
Compared to humongous firms like Fortune 500s, small teams like little startups or 1-person companies rock the shizzle out of their productivity. Why? They're more agile, they respond faster to whatever conditions they have, and each and every soul on the team works like a mofo -- and is a mad contributor to the company's overall health. There's no "Who'd-done-it?!" here because sad results can be traced back directly to individuals. That makes people more accountable to their jobs, and to the overall results -- and keeps them rockin'.How Small Teams Boost Results
When you break down your team of eight into four teams of two -- and give them clearly defined roles, you optimize every part of that team. It's like your building a soccer team. Instead of just setting a bunch of players free, you're building mini-teams of (1) attackers, (2) midfielders, and (3) defenders. That ensures you strengthen every important part of your organization to achieve the sweet results you desire.The 3-Step Process to Rocking with Small Teams
Here's what we recommend in building small teams:Define your ultimate destination.
"We want to bike to Las Vegas by next week!"Break the ultimate destination into clear, small tasks.
"We need to get to San Jose first. Then, Bakersfield. Then, Apple Valley. Then Henderson. Then, Vegas!"Assign those tasks to small teams.
"Annie/Bobby, find the route to San Jose. Chrissy/Davy, know the way from San Jose to Bakersfield. Ernie/Freddy, connect Bakersfield to Apple Valley. Henry, you and I will find the path from Apple Valley to Vegas. We'll meet tomorrow to patch everything together."
Small teams rock booty.
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Posted on December 12