How to Make Your People Shine
Scenario: "Dude, go strategize that widget. Come back when you're done. Yay!" How do you optimize productivity out of someone (and of your business)?
- a. Encourage seriousness.
- b. Encourage fun.
If you answered (b), congratulate yo-self. When you encourage your employees/colleagues/yadda to have fun, you boost their productivity like a mofo.
Boosting Fun = Boosting Productivity
According to a recent study by Duke University researchers of wives and their husbands:
People who were exposed to the name of a person who wanted them to work hard performed significantly worse on the anagram task than did participants who were exposed to the name of a person who wanted them to have fun.
Those who restrict their freedom (e.g. not letting them have fun with a task), drive them to rebel:
The main finding of this research is that people with a tendency toward reactance may nonconsciously and quite unintentionally act in a counterproductive manner simply because they are trying to resist someone else's encroachment on their freedom.
And, according to the researchers, that makes them unproductive and a beta playa.
"So do I just give them full freedom?"
Not quite. That's why anarchic systems don't work.
- You give them too much freedom, and you let them run wild with your resources.
- Yet, if you limit too much freedom, you stifle their creativity and productivity.
Instead, do something else:
What to Do Instead
The key, then: balance. Give them fun, but within a boundary. That boundary ends where it becomes non-productive for your company.
- For instance, a soccer coach can pull a fun atmosphere on the pitch (e.g. target goal shots tournament).
- But, going beyond a boundary that doesn't do shizzle to help the team (e.g. have the team watch ballet during "practice" time), then productivity drains Paris Hilton's credibility.
And, if you're head of a software team:
- Encourage your programmers to experiment with features -- to have fun -- with the project.
- Yet, giving fun beyond that boundary (e.g. programming while watching ballet) will cause you to miss those deadlines.
Fun + Within Boundary = Sexy. As you're meeting with your fabulous team, remind those badasses:
"Have fun, playa."
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Posted on February 15